styrofoam / ˈstaɪ rəˌfoʊm /


styrofoam 的定义

  1. a brand of expanded plastic made from polystyrene.

styrofoam 近义词


等同于 packing

styrofoam 的近义词 4


  1. Until now, companies have been hard-pressed to find a replacement for Styrofoam for protecting fragile items like electronics and appliances.
  2. Before she goes, someone from the taco stand brings her a Styrofoam box filled with dinner.
  3. Tokyo Bay is “a black expanse where gulls wheeled above drifting shoals of white Styrofoam.”
  4. All meals are packed (abundantly) into Styrofoam containers and bagged with plastic utensils.
  5. The man who kindly made my meal in less than three minutes opened the styrofoam container and pointed: “Only lemons.”
  6. School-age children with rumbling tummies move their styrofoam trays in an orderly lunch line.
  7. According to The Daily Mail, a 40-foot styrofoam replica of Westwood was supposed to be on view, but Wintour ruled against it.