stramonium / strəˈmoʊ ni əm /


stramonium 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. jimson weed.
  2. the dried leaves of the jimson weed, used in medicine as an analgesic, antispasmodic, etc.


  1. Stramonium and sage, equal parts, sufficient to fill a small pipe.
  2. Give frequency and type of cutaneous disturbance due to the administration of stramonium.
  3. Opium and Stramonium, classed among Narcotics, depress the function of this nerve as well as the nervous forces generally.
  4. Another famous poison is produced from Datura stramonium and allied species.
  5. Or purchase the herb of stramonium at the druggist's; steep it and bind it on the felon; as soon as cold, put on new, warm herbs.