stradivari / ˌstræd əˈvɛər i; Italian ˌstrɑ diˈvɑ ri /
stradivari 的定义
n. 名词 noun
An·to·nio[an-toh-nee-oh; Italian ahn-taw-nyaw], /ænˈtoʊ ni oʊ; Italian ɑnˈtɔ nyɔ/, 1644?–1737, Italian violinmaker of Cremona.
The authors note that “modern makers usually copy the shapes of Stradivari and Guarneri soundboards but not their thickness.”
They also found evidence that the Stradivari violins had been heat treated in some way, by exposure to sunlight or perhaps by a more complicated process.
These, then, appear to be the cogent reasons for the adoption of the medium rise in the modelling by Stradivari.
Assuming the above view to be reasonable, the number of new instruments which left the Stradivari house must have been very large.
A fine specimen, and well known, of Stradivari's art was once lying on a table before me.
Too much importance has been attached by critics to the presence of this wood in Stradivari's violins.
All the details of scroll carving by Stradivari at this period are marvels of mechanical dexterity of handling.