stovepipe / ˈstoʊvˌpaɪp /


stovepipe 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a pipe, as of sheet metal, serving as a stove chimney or to connect a stove with a chimney flue.
  2. stovepipe hat.

stovepipe 近义词


等同于 artillery


  1. It wafted the smoke from Bland's stovepipe gently down on the river's shining face.
  2. Smoke was curling upward from the stovepipe which protruded above the roof.
  3. It appeared to consist of a piece of ordinary stovepipe about twelve inches long.
  4. Lawyer Whittle was fined two pecks of apples and cigars for wearing a stovepipe hat and so the fun went on, day after day.
  5. A cooking-stove inside answers for heating apparatus and the stovepipe protrudes above the roof.