a solid resin with a vanillalike odor, obtained from a small tree, Styrax officinalis: formerly used in medicine and perfumery.
a liquid balsam obtained from species of liquidambar, especially from the wood and inner bark of Liquidambar orientalis, a tree of Asia Minor: used chiefly in medicine and perfumery.
any shrub or tree of the genus Styrax, of the storax family, having elongated clusters of showy, white flowers.
Storax and Tolu are used in perfumery in the same way as benzoin, namely, by solution in spirit as a tincture.
They wash the body of the deceased to that sad cadence, and perfume it with storax, and other perfumes which are used among them.
Storax, a resin resembling benzoin, was in high esteem from the time of Pliny to the eighteenth century.
They perfumed it with storax, or benzoin, and other perfumes, obtained from tree-resins which are found throughout these forests.
Storax, benzoin, civet and similar things are not as plentiful there as I was led to believe.