stomach-churning / ˈstʌm əkˌtʃɜr nɪŋ /


stomach-churning 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. causing nausea.
  2. causing a queasy feeling in one’s stomach, as from anxiety, anger, or disgust: The car accident was a stomach-churning sight.


  1. Is there a more dreadful sensation than that of your stomach wringing itself out like a washcloth?
  2. I am fortunate that I have never been deathly ill, but whenever I have the stomach flu, I most certainly feel like I am dying.
  3. Or fast-fashion chains like Zara and H&M churning out runway imitations.
  4. Kanye refuses to stomach any rejection, no matter how upper crust.
  5. Against this backdrop, Paul breaking bread with Sharpton may be too much for Republican primary voters to watch or stomach.
  6. (b) Diseases of the stomach associated with deficient hydrochloric acid, as chronic gastritis and gastric cancer.
  7. Then she would turn him over on his back and paddle his stomach with a ladle to make sure that he was well filled!
  8. Since he died from cancer in the stomach, he could retain very little food.
  9. When a malarious person is bitten by a mosquito, the gametes are taken with the blood into its stomach.
  10. If it be suspected that the stomach will not be empty, it should be washed out with water the evening before.