stirps / stɜrps /


stirps 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural stir·pes [stur-peez]. /ˈstɜr piz/.

  1. a stock; family or branch of a family; line of descent.
  2. Law. a person from whom a family is descended.
  3. Biology Now Rare. a family, superfamily, or permanent variety.

stirps 近义词


等同于 lineage


等同于 pedigree


等同于 genealogy


  1. Some took the additional name from the stirps instead of from the gns, that is, from the cognmen instead of from the nmen.
  2. The principal characters of the story, belonging to the stirps Muciana, are purely imaginary.
  3. Animus est ingeneratus Deo, ex quo vere vel agnatio nobis cum cœlestibus, vel genus vel stirps appellari potest.
  4. Among the Iroquois descent was never reckoned through the male line, the stirps being always a woman.
  5. Transit etiam in arborem in quibusdam regionibus Ricinus, alibi annua stirps.