stinkpot / ˈstɪŋkˌpɒt /


stinkpot 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. Also called stinkball. a jar containing combustibles or other materials that generate offensive and suffocating vapors, formerly used in warfare.
  2. Informal. a stinker; meany.
  3. a common musk turtle, Sternotherus odoratus, of the eastern and southern U.S., that sometimes climbs trees along the water's edge.

stinkpot 近义词


等同于 stink bomb

stinkpot 的近义词 2


  1. "Stinkpot" she called it, when acknowledging foul elements in the composition and the harm it did to the unskilful balist.
  2. Not long ago an effective weapon called "stinkpot" was in use.
  3. Paracelsus brought a squadron of stinkpot-flingers from the snowy mountains of Rhaetia.
  4. I am sorry to see that Erasmus imitated his enemies and at times was ambidextrous in the use of the literary stinkpot.
  5. Paracelsus brought a squadron of stinkpot-flingers from the snowy mountains of Rhætia.