stinker / ˈstɪŋ kər /


stinker 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that stinks.
  2. Informal. a mean or despicable person; louse.
  3. Informal. something, especially some form of entertainment, of inferior quality.
  4. Informal. something difficult: a real stinker of a crossword puzzle.
  5. any device emitting an offensive odor, as a stink bomb or stinkpot.
  6. Dialect. any of several large petrels.

stinker 近义词


等同于 cad


等同于 skunk

stinker 的近义词 3

等同于 cur


  1. Pretty well by Russian standards—a free peasant was known as a smerd, meaning “stinker.”
  2. And the stench of desperation from retailers, fearful that the vital Christmas holiday season will be a stinker.
  3. [Laughs] KROLL: The “Tinker Stinker” I like, in that it felt like a true labeling of something that happens.
  4. My Lecter-like sense of smell tells me this gussied-up stinker has the whiff of “hit” all over it.
  5. As for revamping Medicare, this is an across-the-board stinker.
  6. Nothin', only you're a white-livered stinker, an' I'm jest a-spoilin' foh a fight with you-all.
  7. With one accord Stinker's suggestion was acclaimed, and the bomb was thrust into the glowing coals of Rumford's study fire.
  8. Stinker had produced from his pocket a corked test-tube, tightly packed with some dark substance.
  9. At that moment "the rat-faced little stinker" himself appeared, hat on head and light overcoat thrown over his arm.
  10. "That fellow's a stinker," Wick decided, never to change his mind.