stinger / ˈstɪŋ ər /


stinger 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a person or thing that stings.
  2. an animal or plant having a stinging organ.
  3. the sting or stinging organ of an insect or other animal.
  4. Informal. a stinging blow, remark, or the like.
  5. a cocktail made of brandy and crème de menthe.
  6. Military. a U.S. Army shoulder-launched, heat-seeking antiaircraft missile, with a range of 3 miles.
  7. British Informal. a highball of whiskey and soda.


  1. Then Wolford suffered a stinger in his neck and Goff had to enter the game, struggling to throw at first but improving as the game progressed.
  2. In the later stages of the war, the American-made Stinger missile was introduced and wreaked havoc among the Soviet helicopters.
  3. The nose—as anyone knows who ever has received a stinger from an errant baseball—has countless pain fibers.
  4. “Certain weapons like Stinger missiles are extremely hard to control once they are transferred,” he said.
  5. A tactful man can pull the stinger from a bee without getting stung.
  6. As for the “Prince,” he seemed totally unconscious of his surroundings as he slid one more stinger over the plate.
  7. But Stinger would not consent, and it was understood that the dangerous task was to be undertaken by him who proposed it.
  8. As he spoke, he began descending the ladder, which answered for the stairs, Stinger following him.
  9. Inasmuch as Stinger wished to get out, and they wished to get in, they might 89 as well have exchanged positions.