stingaree / ˈstɪŋ əˌri, ˌstɪŋ əˈri /
stingaree 的定义
- The true sting-ray (stingaree, or clam-cracker), Dasyatis, is more widely diffused and the species are very closely related.
- Hilda snatched her eyes from Stingaree, and was sorry for Mrs. Clarkson for the first time in their acquaintance.
- The maudlin stockman had indeed to be restrained by his neighbors from precipitating himself upon the barrels of Stingaree.
- "To be sure you don't," said Stingaree, with as much sweetness as his character would permit.
- Stingaree stooped to hand her up to the platform; and his warm grip told a tale.