stentor / ˈstɛn tɔr /


stentor 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a Greek herald with a loud voice.
  2. a person having a very loud or powerful voice.
  3. a trumpet-shaped, ciliate protozoan of the genus Stentor.

stentor 近义词


等同于 town crier

stentor 的近义词 5

等同于 protozoan


  1. The old man stood up, shouted an order in the voice of a Stentor, and waved his hand.
  2. Nay, but he could not; he lay in chains with a gag in his mouth, that might have smothered the voice of Stentor.
  3. Every man is like "Stentor of the brazen voice," whose shout, as Homer says in the Iliad, "was as the shout of fifty men."
  4. Stentor, stent′or, n. a very loud-voiced herald in the Iliad, hence any person with a remarkably loud voice: the ursine howler.
  5. The Stentor, from its location below the alga, could not reach the starch grains without altering its position.