statuary / ˈstætʃ uˌɛr i /


statuary2 个定义

n. 名词 noun

plural stat·u·ar·ies.

  1. statues collectively.
  2. a group or collection of statues.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of, relating to, or suitable for statues.

statuary 近义词

n. 名词 noun


statuary 的近义词 3


  1. Lawrence laments the forgotten Etruscan consciousness, as expressed in their tombs’ carvings and statuary.
  2. Nowadays, you can buy statuary online at Wayfair, Amazon, through the Frontline catalogue, and in person at your favorite big box home store.
  3. Besides his talent in statuary, Feuchres had a remarkable power of imitation, such as no actor was able to compass.
  4. Mercury was worshipped under the name Criophorus, or the Ram-bearer, and was thus represented in painting and statuary.
  5. There is a famous piece of statuary representing a hopeless Gaul killing his wife and then himself (Fig. 30).
  6. It brings to our firesides books, paintings, and statuary, by which we learn something of the world as it is and as it was.
  7. Indeed, the portraits compared with the originals are like Dresden china figures compared with Greek statuary.