Prior to the first starlight, the universe was shrouded by a “dense, obscuring fog of primordial gas,” as the National Science Foundation explains.
Theo, like me, does climate modeling akin to that done for the Earth, figuring out what the spectrum of starlight filtered through an exoplanetary atmosphere can reveal to us.
It then looks for changes in starlight caused by dark objects floating by.
These modest blobs would be completely dark, but they should still gravitationally bend passing starlight.
Unfortunately, the Starlight Pavilion chose to give their power to bullies and canceled the screening.
Our poor planet will be but a silent ghost whirling on its dark path in the starlight.
They traveled by starlight then, following as best they could the tall trees that marked the road.
It was clear starlight, and she sat down beside the newly sodded mound, and rested her brow upon it.
On each side of me walked a warrior, invisible except as when we crossed a glade where the starlight filtered down.
The Norman saw the silver band of a stream creeping to the Kuweik—barely flashing under the starlight, for moon there was none.