spoony / ˈspu ni /


spoony 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

spoon·i·er, spoon·i·est.

  1. Informal: Older Use. foolishly or sentimentally amorous: a spoony couple, canoodling on the porch swing.
  2. Archaic. foolish; silly.

spoony 近义词


等同于 flirtatious


  1. Let me add, however, that he was as far as possible from being a "spoony."
  2. Of course spoony people ought to talk about spring, and how perfectly lovely everything is.
  3. The sight of my own little Bill's satchel gives me a turn, and makes me feel spoony to this day.
  4. Say, when you fellows get over being spoony, come out and have some fun, he added closing the door.
  5. With a smile he added: "Now, don't get too spoony when he comes, or else Ken will have no head for business."