spartiate / ˈspɑr tiˌeɪt, -ʃi- /
spartiate 的定义
n. 名词 noun- a member of the ruling class of ancient Laconia; a Spartan citizen.Compare Helot, Perioeci.
- A vast volume of mingled smoke and flame and steam rose up, and when it rolled away, the Spartiate had almost vanished.
- Nelson's own ship, the Vanguard, was the first to anchor within half-pistol-shot of the third French ship, the Spartiate.
- They labored for a Spartiate proprietor who took from them the greater part of the harvest.
- A Spartiate poet compares the Helots to "loaded asses stumbling under their burdens and the blows inflicted."
- In a matter of life and death, then, it was necessary that a Spartiate be as good as ten Helots.