spade / speɪd /


spade2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a tool for digging, having an iron blade adapted for pressing into the ground with the foot and a long handle commonly with a grip or crosspiece at the top, and with the blade usually narrower and flatter than that of a shovel.
  2. some implement, piece, or part resembling this.
  3. a sharp projection on the bottom of a gun trail, designed to dig into the earth to restrict backward movement of the carriage during recoil.
v. 有主动词 verb

spad·ed, spad·ing.

  1. to dig, cut, or remove with a spade: Let's spade up the garden and plant some flowers.

spade 近义词

n. 名词 noun


spade 的近义词 3


  1. As a company that is beholden to stockholders, Kate Spade usually lags, not leads trends.
  2. Because it is, as Spade and Wilse say, a “tool of social control used by governments to regulate sexuality and family formation.”
  3. But then we might have been deprived of Nick and Nora, Sam Spade and the Continental Op.
  4. But there are four other published Spade stories out there, and it would be nice to have them between covers in one volume.
  5. The administration refused to budge on calling a spade a spade.
  6. His strong legs and his broad, spade-like feet helped to make him a fine swimmer.
  7. The labour of the spade and of the loom, and the petty gains of trade, he contemptuously abandoned to men of a lower caste.
  8. When a spade declaration has been made by dummy, one trump less is necessary and the doubler need not be on the declarer's left.
  9. Except in the case of a spade declaration, cases in which redoubling is justifiable are very rare.
  10. A spade declaration by the dealer can be doubled with even less strength.