South-southeasterly breezes may be a bit more noticeable, gusting above 10 mph, by late afternoon as well.
South-southeasterly breezes may blow near 15 mph a few times, helping to stir the atmosphere, and tolerable dew points around the 60-degree mark keep that humid feeling under control.
High temperatures should benefit from winds turning toward a more southeasterly direction around 15 mph by late afternoon.
Light southeasterly breezes continue to transport mild air into our region.
The southeasterly wind ruffles the bay with white-capped waves and dashes sheets of rain against window and roof.
It flows in a southeasterly direction, and burrows its nose deeply into the forest-covered hills at the mountain's foot.
Our records require an extension of known range of this species southeasterly by approximately 50 miles.
Looking away in a southeasterly direction, the scenic beauty is grandly impressive.
The expedition then, over a southeasterly route, made its way toward the coast.