soubrette / suˈbrɛt /


soubrette 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a maidservant or lady's maid in a play, opera, or the like, especially one displaying coquetry, pertness, and a tendency to engage in intrigue.
  2. an actress playing such a role.
  3. any lively or pert young woman.

soubrette 近义词


等同于 lady-in-waiting


等同于 actor


  1. The soubrette had a lank young body neatly attired in a store suit and shirt-waist.
  2. I thought that the frozen surface of the American woman thawed on the stratum soubrette.
  3. And, like Brighella, written comedy blended her with the fixed characters of drama under the name of the soubrette.
  4. She was even more successful in comedy, and no better soubrette had been seen since the days of Madeleine Bjart.
  5. Miss Richland has a very pretty face, but she looks more like a soubrette or smart actress than a woman of fashion.