sophistic / səˈfɪs tɪk /


sophistic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of the nature of sophistry; fallacious.
  2. characteristic or suggestive of sophistry.
  3. given to the use of sophistry.
  4. of or relating to sophists or sophistry.

sophistic 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. The reaction of the Socratic school against the Sophistic may serve to illustrate the third stage of thinking.
  2. Lack of merit may be so complete, so grotesque, that the composition affords to the sophistic eye a high order of comedy.
  3. But what will become of our young gentleman, if he be attacked with the sophistic subtlety of some syllogism?
  4. Hitherto such writers have confined their view mostly to speculative points, sophistic reasonings, and sarcastic interpellations.
  5. This consequence of the Sophistic principles was drawn both by many of the Sophists themselves, and later by the Cyrenaics.