sonogram / ˈsɒn əˌgræm, ˈsoʊ nə- /


sonogram 的定义

n. 名词 noun


  1. the visual image produced by reflected sound waves in a diagnostic ultrasound examination.


  1. She keeps some of the other sonograms stored on her cellphone, to remind her of the children she might have had.
  2. She shared a beautiful video with this delightful news for fans, which included images from throughout her pregnancy, including sonograms.
  3. Prices vary, from $5,250 to become a CT scan technician to $11,550 to learn how to give sonograms to $14,450 for a certificate in brewing science.
  4. I look at my 19-year-old, and in her profile, I can still see her sonogram.
  5. After all, women now use Facebook to share sonogram pictures, breast-feeding tips, and even cervical dilation during labor.