sone / soʊn /


sone 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a unit for measuring the loudness of sound, equal to the loudness of a sound that, in the judgment of a group of listeners, is equal to that of a 1,000-cycle-per-second reference sound having an intensity of 40 decibels.


  1. Or read: 'That mad her to slepe sone'; without elision of e in made (Koch).
  2. In the Proverbs of Hendyng, it is: 'Sottes bolt is sone shote,' l. 85.
  3. Irn li stille gedere sone rust weater e ne sture nawt; readliche stinke.
  4. Will, ye sone of will birke of this hamlett, by Mr. Herring.
  5. Bot quhat is the pryde of a proud haultane man worth, quhen he can nocht remembre of the poyntis that God may sone lawe him with?