someway / ˈsʌmˌweɪ /


someway 的定义

adv. 副词 adverb
  1. in some way; somehow.


  1. Someway or other,” she continued, turning to look at me, “he reminds me of a dream,—an awful dream I once had.
  2. Someway, Mr. Nelson managed to get them all safely to the station platform, whereupon he breathed a sigh of relief.
  3. Someway, the other girls managed to follow her example, enough at least to quiet their restless mounts.
  4. But I'll be even wi' that black beast, an' put an end to his rotten career, someway or another.
  5. It was full of lights and, little caressing notes and a haunting sweetness which, someway, he could not forget.
  6. It seemed strange, someway, without her,—perhaps because her gown hung from the back of a chair.