solidus / ˈsɒl ɪ dəs /


solidus 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural sol·i·di [sol-i-dahy]. /ˈsɒl ɪˌdaɪ/.

  1. a gold coin of ancient Rome, introduced by Constantine and continued in the Byzantine Empire; bezant.
  2. a money of account equal to 12 denarii.Compare sol.
  3. virgule.


  1. The form scanomodu on the solidus need not be taken into account.
  2. Name from solidus and ago, to join, or make whole, in allusion to reputed vulnerary qualities.
  3. Solidipes is from solidus, solid; pes, foot; and is so called because the stem of the plant is solid.
  4. He shall not have a solidus of my property if he does not give up the woman who is a thorn in the Queen's flesh.
  5. The asterisk is used to indicate illegible letters, and the solidus (/) erasures.