sociology / ˌsoʊ siˈɒl ə dʒi, ˌsoʊ ʃi- /


sociology 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relations, institutions, etc.

sociology 近义词


等同于 behavioral science


等同于 social engineering

sociology 的近义词 2

等同于 social studies

sociology 的近义词 4

等同于 anthropology

sociology 的近义词 4


  1. Reshmaan Hussam ’09, PhD ’15, once dreamed of becoming a “psychohistorian” like the protagonist in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation novels who combines sociology, history, and statistics to save the world.
  2. Saving Afghan women from the Taliban also helped make the case for continued US war, said Saadia Toor, a sociology professor at the CUNY College of Staten Island.
  3. Mountain biking also gave me the mental fortitude to pursue a master’s degree in sociology with an emphasis on racism and immigration.
  4. “If women feel disproportionately responsible for the household activities and for parenting, working remotely makes life a whole lot more flexible,” Jerry Jacobs, a sociology professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said.
  5. They often dug the procedural nature of investigating specific UFO cases, or looked into the sociology of things—captured by the human side of the story—as opposed to simply the sightings themselves.
  6. One of the lefties she met was a sociology instructor named Philip Rieff, whom she married after a 10-day courtship.
  7. My theory is that it has to do with history, sociology, and psychology.
  8. Her father was a sociology and education professor at UCLA; her mother was “a homemaker with creative tendencies.”
  9. Skidmore University is offering a new sociology course called, “The Sociology of Miley Cyrus: Race, Class, Gender, and Media.”
  10. “Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame” is a course at the University of South Carolina.
  11. I didn't know that you were a student of sociology—could estimate capabilities and get everyone in their right groove.
  12. Well, digging back in my sociology courses, I would say it was upper-lower class, if there is such a classification.
  13. On this point sociology—especially the sociology of sex—must frankly admit its mistakes and break with much of its cherished past.
  14. It has enabled the students of economics and sociology to get at facts that have revolutionized theories.
  15. Nor does it admit of doubt, that similar adaptations and precautions are indispensable in sociology.