smoothbore / ˈsmuðˌbɔr, -ˌboʊr /


smoothbore2 个定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. having a bore that is smooth; not rifled.
n. 名词 noun
  1. a smoothbore gun.


  1. Again the smoothbore roared and a handful of balls scoured another thicket.
  2. Two thirds of us will have to manage, until we can do better, with the smoothbore and even with the old flintlock.
  3. And it was partly because so many of the Indians were shooting smoothbore muskets that were not accurate at a long distance.
  4. Being a staunch believer in the Police, Smoothbore had little faith in the Militia!
  5. Almost within a minute after Smoothbore had left him he was wavering in his opinions; now he was striding in pursuit of him.