smarmy / ˈsmɑr mi /


smarmy 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective

smarm·i·er, smarm·i·est.

  1. excessively or unctuously flattering, ingratiating, servile, etc.: the emcee with the smarmy welcome.

smarmy 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. Thomas Sadoski should be the frontrunner to play every smarmy privileged thirty-something from now on.
  2. King Smarmy Bill, Queen Smug Chilary, and Princess Spolied Chlesea [sic].
  3. Brad is a smarmy, popular jerk, without whom Adam would have no credibility with the cool kids.
  4. From suave Jack Ryan to smarmy Eugene Kittridge, potential candidates for America's next top spook.
  5. And anyway they just open themselves up to obvious charges of being dishonest and smarmy (at best).
  6. They lipsynch the soundtrack, cadge souvenirs and pester you with smarmy, show-off questions.
  7. If she thinks him too sweet and smarmy with other people, she should let him have it to his nose, straight out.
  8. We'd have four good meals every day and baths every morning, and we'd only feel virtuous and 'smarmy' and do-good-to-the-poor-y.