slept / slɛpt /


slept 的定义

v. 动词 verb
  1. simple past tense and past participle of sleep.

slept 近义词

v. 动词 verb

suspend consciousness


  1. “Bars love to tell those stories: ‘So and so drank here, and George Washington slept here,’” Sismondo says.
  2. By nightfall, I had showered, eaten some soup that a friend brought me, and I slept in my room for 12 solid hours.
  3. I worked a lot of 11-7 shifts, and so had to stay awake, although most of the nights other people slept.
  4. Bin Laden killed the boy, not us, and I slept and I dreamed.
  5. He slept in an upright position in a custom armchair, so the reasons for his lying down to sleep are open to speculation.
  6. I slept some hours, but was perpetually disturbed with dreams of the place I had left, and the dangers I had escaped.
  7. I have fed and slept at inns, living on the worst of fares and sleeping on the hardest, and hardly the cleanest, of beds.
  8. Whatever servant had not slept in the house the previous night forfeited his right to the money.
  9. The mosquito bar was drawn over her; the old woman had come in while she slept and let down the bar.
  10. Madame Antoine had cooked little else than the mullets, but while Edna slept Robert had foraged the island.