sinecure / ˈsaɪ nɪˌkyʊər, ˈsɪn ɪ- /


sinecure 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. an office or position requiring little or no work, especially one yielding profitable returns.
  2. an ecclesiastical benefice without cure of souls.

sinecure 近义词


等同于 sitting duck


  1. But, while the title was supposed to be a sinecure, instead Smith went from running for the nation’s highest office to running around trying to rent the highest offices.
  2. The job is often a sinecure offered to widely admired figures.
  3. By the time of the Reform Bill, a sinecure had become an anachronism.
  4. The business of the worthy padres among them must be a perfect sinecure.
  5. But the man who accepts the position of Indian Agent and conscientiously attends to its duties has no sinecure on his hands.
  6. Tom, however, took his knocks with a good grace, and reaped all the advantage possible out of his dangerous sinecure.
  7. The dean is the presiding officer in chapel: his business is to pull up the absentees—no sinecure, it is said.