silk-tassel / ˈsɪlkˌtæs əl /


silk-tassel 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. any of several shrubs or small trees of the genus Garrya, of the western U.S., having evergreen foliage and flowers in pendulous catkins.


  1. Poking out of the shiny gold pages is a “distinctive silk marker”—also gold—which “complements the color of the leather.”
  2. Sometimes I wear my silk pyjamas when I am going for a walk in the mornings, does that make me eccentric?
  3. Behind their silk hats loom shadows of their immigrant forbears.
  4. Waving a silk cloth, he declared, “Gentlemen, I will have this land just as surely as I now have this handkerchief.”
  5. Undercover detective Gustav Frank sold Mandelbaum several bolts of stolen silk that had been secretly marked.
  6. Q was a Queen, who wore a silk slip; R was a Robber, and wanted a whip.
  7. He urged the growing of mulberry trees and the propagation of silk worms, as being of more value than tobacco.
  8. She had been properly dressed for the occasion in black tulle and black silk tights.
  9. A chair covered with red silk, borne on the shoulders of sixteen chair-men, passed up to the temple.
  10. Instead of a cloth, on each table was a sheet of fine glazed paper which had the appearance of oiled silk.