sibling / ˈsɪb lɪŋ /


sibling2 个定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a brother or sister.
  2. Anthropology. a comember of a sib, a unilateral descent group thought to share kinship through a common ancestor.
adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to a brother or sister: sibling rivalry.

sibling 近义词

n. 名词 noun

sister or brother

sibling 的近义词 6


  1. Two additional groups experienced daily separation from mother and siblings, plus an injection as an additional stressor.
  2. Two more groups experienced daily separation from both their mother and siblings.
  3. He also finally had a way to keep in touch with his siblings and reconnect with old friends.
  4. The outer one weighs six times Jupiter’s mass and orbits at twice its sibling’s distance.
  5. Ducouret says that this food-sharing behavior could have evolved because the elder siblings enjoy both indirect and direct benefits.
  6. Her adopted daughter tried to suffocate a younger biological sibling.
  7. After losing her father and young sibling to Ebola, 6-year-old Liberian Miatta Urey is a symbol of hope in the midst of tragedy.
  8. My father lost his last surviving sibling, my Aunt Sally, in 2007.
  9. Wendy Kramer is co-founder, with her donor-conceived son Ryan, of the Donor Sibling Registry (DSR).
  10. “Go on then,” she said, as if humoring a grating younger sibling.
  11. We saw on our left the large monastery of Delaling, and, a little way off, the Gomba of Sibling.
  12. The extended family groupings in terms of matrilocal residence or centered around a sibling group are amorphous but flexible.