sibilance 的定义
- a hissing quality of sound, or the hissing sound itself:I stretched out comfortably in my sleeping bag, peering up at the stars and listening to the ocean's gentle sibilance.The older, poorer quality recordings had more than a hint of sibilance.
sibilance 近义词
等同于 hiss
sibilance 的近义词 8 个
- I suspect most amateur podcasters don’t even consider a wind screen, but after listening to a bit of level-spiking sibilance, you’ll understand exactly why this microphone add-on is so important.
- The gentle sibilance of air drawn through the glowing nest of tobacco is the only sound.
- "I am here as a witness," a thousand mocking voices seemed to hiss in echoed sibilance.
- She laughed, a mirthless sibilance that was marvelously like a snake's hissing, her eyes hard and dry.
- Distress signals hissed into the atmosphere in urgent sibilance, then faltered and died away.
- Then the breaking of a twig and the sibilance of whispering voices—two of them—perhaps more.