shutter-priority 的定义
- of or relating to a semiautomatic exposure system in which the photographer presets the shutter speed and the camera selects the aperture.
- In fact, in a recent study of their users internationally, it was the lowest priority for most.
- Current and former intelligence officials have said North Korea has long been a priority target for American spies.
- It's not necessarily a deal-breaker, but it is kind of a top priority.
- If we want that to change, then all of us have to encourage our legislators to make funding community policing a priority.
- “The tribe is really made of people who put travel as a priority in their entire lifestyle,” says Evita.
- A very thin vacuum shutter forms a better interrupter of sound waves than a brick wall two or three feet in thickness.
- She partly opened the wooden shutter again and pointed to an upper story of the opposite building.
- As Donovan described and figured this insect many years before Dr. Leach, his name has the right of priority.
- And once Mother Oriole found, caught in the shutter, little threads of Hepzebiah's hair.
- The umpire's first decision was usually his last; they broke him in two with a bat, and his friends toted him home on a shutter.