shrove / ʃroʊv /
shrove 的定义
v. 动词 verb- a simple past tense of shrive.
- There will be celebrating around the globe today to mark Shrove Tuesday in its various guises.
- Five ducats for Shrove Tuesday, and a Holophernes to be visibly beheaded—in a most illustrious convent, too.
- It was on Shrove-Tuesday, after dark, that their attention was roused by a strange, crackling noise.
- Our custom of eating pancakes on Shrove-Tuesday, was probably borrowed from the Greek church.
- Which, accordingly providing, prepared his company for that journey, entering it upon Shrove-Tuesday (3rd February).
- Give me a little shrove-money for our tom-cat, Sir Grandee; he stole a leg of veal from the butcher yesterday.