shochet / Sephardic Hebrew ʃɔˈxɛt; Ashkenazic Hebrew ˈʃoʊ xeɪt, ˈʃɔɪ xɪt; English ˈʃoʊ xɪt /


shochet 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural shoche·tim [shohkh-teem], /ʃoʊxˈtim/, English sho·chets.Hebrew.


  1. Heyman, Heinrich Wilhelm David, son of a shochet (slaughterer) in poor circumstances.
  2. What exactly I proposed to do to help him, I don't know, but something drove me after the poor Shochet.
  3. Even the Shochet sometimes goes away for a whole week, so when should they find time to quarrel?
  4. The Shochet is not at home, he has gone to a neighboring village; that is why the calf is still lowing in the house.
  5. The only people who remain to be envied are our two young men, the Shochet's son with the Shochet's son-in-law.