sherris / ˈʃɛr ɪs /


sherris 的定义

n. 名词 noun



  1. Tennyson had his port, whereto clings a good old tradition; sherris sack belongs to a nobler age; these drinks are not for us.
  2. Falstaff, reeling home from Dame Quickly's Tavern with his load of sherris-sack, may have sat here to ponder on his honour.
  3. But the sherris warms it, and makes its course from the inwards to the parts extreme.
  4. And for dinner was corned beef and carrots, and for drink sherris-sack and muscadel.
  5. And then, why, Ive a few bottles of Geldinos sherris thatthat Ill not open save on the rarest occasion.