shandy 的定义
plural shan·dies.Chiefly British.
- a mixture of beer and lemonade.
- shandygaff.
- Tristram Shandy by Laurence Sterne One of the first novels in English ... and a buoyant, postmodern romp.
- We were shown the little room not more than nine feet square where Sterne, when vicar, wrote his greatest book, "Tristram Shandy."
- The worthy Shandy would even go so far as to maintain that there was no kind of oath that was not to be found in Ernulphus.
- No further proof is needed that this reviewer was guiltless of any knowledge of Shandy beyond the title.
- The ninth volume of Shandy is announced in the same number among the new English books.
- Moses Mendelssohn writes to him in the summer of 1763:31 Tristram Shandy is a work of masterly originality.