shamefaced / ˈʃeɪmˌfeɪst /


shamefaced 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. modest or bashful.
  2. showing shame: shamefaced apologies.

shamefaced 近义词

adj. 形容词 adjective



  1. She finished amid much applause, some shamefaced, some hearty, but there were a number of lowering brows.
  2. Father and son shook hands, and Sir John walked feebly to the stiff-backed chair, where he sat down in shamefaced silence.
  3. Everybody looked around, and the man seemed a little shamefaced at his exhibition of hostility to a wooden disk.
  4. A little grin, almost a shamefaced grin, I thought, broke his round moist face up into fat wrinkles.
  5. Reassured, she kissed the pasteboard fervently, and put it down with shamefaced, fluttering haste.