sh / ʃ /


sh 的定义

interj. 感叹词 interjection

sh 近义词


等同于 healthiness


  1. None of the men ogling you give a sh*t about you either, do not be fooled.
  2. And of course: “Bye Ryan Braun, you cheating piece of sh*t. CANT JEW YOUR WAY OUT OF IT THIS TIME.”
  3. Exhibit A: Cookie Monster prowled The White House Wednesday, scaring the living sh** out of us.
  4. The Harlequin hardback, out today, is appropriately dubbed: Sh*t Girls Say.
  5. "Leviathanim sh'mitabdim," suicidal whales, to use Ramon's phrase.
  6. "Sh-h—be quiet," warned Betty, peeping again through the slit in the curtain.
  7. Sh'd say it was like five thousin' Valleys 'f the Shadow 'f Death tangled together.
  8. Tell ye, 'f the Old Boy himself sh'd ride up alongside, shouldn't be a mite s'prised to see him.
  9. There they vanish, their fine tones never to be tried more, and ooze through the red-hot ruin, "Hush-sh-sht!"
  10. Sh-me-ks-see, the Wolf; one of the Chiefs; his head curiously ornamented, and numerous strings of wampum on his neck.