sgraffito / skrɑˈfi toʊ; Italian zgrɑfˈfi tɔ /


sgraffito 的定义

n. 名词 noun

plural sgraf·fi·ti [skrah-fee-tee; Italian zgrahf-fee-tee]. /skrɑˈfi ti; Italian zgrɑfˈfi ti/.

  1. a technique of ornamentation in which a surface layer of paint, plaster, slip, etc., is incised to reveal a ground of contrasting color.
  2. an object, especially pottery, decorated by this technique.


  1. The sgraffito pottery is a red earthenware, coated with a white slip through which designs have been incised.
  2. Worth Bailey, then museum technician at Jamestown, was the first to recognize the source of the sgraffito ware as “Devonshire.”
  3. However, certain kinds of sgraffito ware continued to be made without apparent interruption until early in the present century.
  4. In sites dating from before about 1670, no North Devon wares are found, excepting the early sgraffito sherd mentioned above.
  5. The sgraffito ware has been unearthed in Virginia, Maryland, and Massachusetts.