- 看过 setaceous 的人也看了 :
- echinate
- spiny
- aristate
- barbellate
- chaetophorous
- hispid
- setal
- setiferous
- setose
setaceous 的定义
- bristlelike; bristle-shaped.
- having bristles.
setaceous 近义词
等同于 bristly
setaceous 的近义词 10 个
setaceous 的反义词 2 个
- Calyx deeply 5-cleft or parted; its lobes elongated setaceous-acuminate or aristiform.
- The two endemic Rubi have the prickles reduced to the setaceous condition, and the two palms are unarmed.
- Nostrils basal, oval, open, covered externally with incumbent setaceous feathers.
- The nostrils round and bare; the base of the bill has a few weak setaceous hairs.
- Shell ovate-conical, brownish olive; whorls armed with porrect tubular spines, enclosing setaceous bristles.