setaceous / sɪˈteɪ ʃəs /


setaceous 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. bristlelike; bristle-shaped.
  2. having bristles.

setaceous 近义词


等同于 bristly


  1. Calyx deeply 5-cleft or parted; its lobes elongated setaceous-acuminate or aristiform.
  2. The two endemic Rubi have the prickles reduced to the setaceous condition, and the two palms are unarmed.
  3. Nostrils basal, oval, open, covered externally with incumbent setaceous feathers.
  4. The nostrils round and bare; the base of the bill has a few weak setaceous hairs.
  5. Shell ovate-conical, brownish olive; whorls armed with porrect tubular spines, enclosing setaceous bristles.