serpens / ˈsɜr pənz, -pɛnz /


serpens 的定义

n. 名词 noun

genitive Ser·pen·tis [ser-pen-tis]. /sərˈpɛn tɪs/. Astronomy.

  1. the Serpent, a constellation consisting of two separate parts, the head and the tail , with Ophiuchus in between.


  1. Also look at the stars in the head of Serpens, several of which form a figure like a letter X.
  2. We now pass northward to the region covered by map No. 14, including the remainder of Ophiuchus and Serpens.
  3. Est utique ut serpens hominis contacta salivis.Disperit, ac sese mandendo conficit ipsa.
  4. Grandmother—ingress of Crab—conjunction of Scorpio with Serpens—moon in eleventh house.
  5. Lequel engin, pour le mal quil faisait (pire que le venin des serpens), fut nomm serpentine, &c.