sensitize / ˈsɛn sɪˌtaɪz /


sensitize2 个定义

v. 有主动词 verb

sen·si·tized, sen·si·tiz·ing.

  1. to render sensitive.
  2. Photography. to render sensitive to light or other forms of radiant energy.
  3. Immunology. to render sensitive to an antigenic substance.
v. 无主动词 verb

sen·si·tized, sen·si·tiz·ing.

  1. to become sensitized.

sensitize 近义词

v. 动词 verb


sensitize 的近义词 4
sensitize 的反义词 1


  1. Thus sensitized, their receptiveness hopefully heightened, they are encouraged to take in some terrific sculpture.
  2. “It’s totally sensitized us to how privileged we are, how lucky we are to have a house, the fact that we live in a safe neighborhood,” said Roslyn Zinner.
  3. The snails then behaved, once again, as if they remembered the sensitizing training they seemed to have previously forgotten.
  4. It takes stages such as education, awareness, and sensitizing to change the attitude and the mentality of the people.
  5. Slowly but steadily, through education, awareness, and sensitizing, India will reach the final destination.
  6. Use unglazed writing-paper, and sensitize a strip at the top a little larger than the picture to be printed on it.
  7. To sensitize the plates I employ a bath of bichromate of potash of six per cent, and again dry them.
  8. To sensitize, immerse the silk in a 20 grain solution of silver nitrate for about sixteen minutes.