sensei / sɛnˈseɪ /


sensei 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a karate or judo instructor.


  1. The dishes were picked and prepared, the wines selected, and we congregated before our wine sensei.
  2. They are rewarded in part, no doubt, by the respect which pupils and the general public give to the sensei (teacher).
  3. Sensei, we saluted politely, why didnt he return the salute?
  4. Heaven knows the "Skipping Sensei" needs all the prayers of the congregation!
  5. And, indeed, upon the score of faithfulnessin its legal senseI entertained no doubts.
  6. The years had passed, yet the rustic had no difficulty in recognizing in the Sensei the one time Jinnosuké.