semis / ˈseɪ mɪs, ˈsi- /


semis 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a copper coin of ancient Rome, the half part of an as.

semis 近义词


等同于 truck


等同于 eighteen-wheeler


  1. Then Argentina kicked them out in the semis, despite allegations of cheating.
  2. Teams manage and sort the constant flow of surplus riding in on semis from closed bases.
  3. Neither Rafael Nadal nor Roger Federer made it to the semis at the U.S. Open.
  4. When Federer lost in the semis of a major in 2008, he said that his unprecedented run had “created a monster.”
  5. Would Paul from Oberhausen really pick against the Mannschaft in the semis?
  6. There Foch (whose headquarters were at Semis, twenty-two miles nearer Paris) awaited them in his special train.
  7. Now the street widened into eight traffic lanes and the big semis joined the procession on the edge of the downtown area.
  8. The twelth part of an acre was called Uncia and half a foot, Semis, &c.
  9. And what commas they wielded, what colons, what semis, what stops!
  10. If I wanted money, if she had earned an as, she gave me a semis.