a substance, as silicon or germanium, with electrical conductivity intermediate between that of an insulator and a conductor: a basic component of various kinds of electronic circuit element used in communications, control, and detection technology and in computers.
a semiconductor device.
The company joins General Motors, Nissan, Volkswagen, Toyota, Mazda and Subaru in cutting production output — all citing the semiconductor shortage.
Reporting third-quarter data last November, the office also highlighted the role of semiconductors in driving growth in the manufacturing sector.
As many semiconductor companies increasingly focus on more complex chips, they have started to “outsource a portion of their noncore chip design,” notes Keith.
China imported $350 billion worth of semiconductors in 2020, an increase of 15% over 2019.
So when … we want to invest in the best AI semiconductor company in the world, we looked at them in China, Israel and Europe.
Likewise, the semiconductor industry as we know it today originated in the highly taxed 1970s, not the 1980s.
Take Intel, which has been the leading maker of semiconductor chips for decades.
The chips that IBM has made still use traditional semiconductor materials.
It may not be the only impurity causing the peculiar behavior of this semiconductor, but it does seem a likely candidate.