semester / sɪˈmɛs tər /


semester 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a division constituting half of the regular academic year, lasting typically from 15 to 18 weeks.
  2. a session, lasting about six months and including periods of recess.

semester 近义词

n. 名词 noun


semester 的近义词 4


  1. That we’re not going to wait to play later in the semester when it’s mythically going to just magically get better.
  2. The semester I spent abroad in Paris kind of changed all that and I decided I didn’t want to do pre-med anymore, but I wanted to find a way to get back to Paris.
  3. Although this is not the way we wanted to start this new term, we also know that with the proper commitment to our established safety protocols, we will be able to have a successful and safe semester together.
  4. Some, he said, are delaying the start of the semester or the start of in-person teaching to buy time.
  5. Like other schools, Middle Tennessee had moved classes online for the remainder of the semester.
  6. I had been studying abroad in London, and came back to finish the semester at Tufts.
  7. The trick, in any case, was repeated semester after semester.
  8. According to his suit, Carleton would rotate four new boys into his home every semester.
  9. My relationship with foreign cultures began, like many privileged Americans, with an idealistic college semester abroad.
  10. I will be moving out of my House next semester, if only—quite literally—to save my life.
  11. These girls had all arrived at Ardmore several days in advance of the opening of the semester.
  12. This would be sometime between the first of January 1940, and the time you finished the second semester, let us say.
  13. In most instances he was a man of wealth and high social standing, who looked upon his semester or two as a romantic episode.
  14. Queen's is bad enough, but if I am to descend to a room over the post-office after this semester, I'd—I'd rather die!
  15. That young man will not fight another round for many a long semester after I have done with him.'