semeiotic / ˌsi miˈɒt ɪk, ˌsɛm i-, ˌsi maɪ- /


semeiotic 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective


  1. The semeiotic gives the reason of movements, and has for its object the careful examination of inflections, attitudes and types.
  2. We have now reached the semeiotic standpoint, that of these very clear plans, the very starting point of gesture.
  3. The semeiotic says: "Such a gesture reveals such a passion;" and gesture replies: "To such a passion I will apply such a sign."
  4. The semeiotic is its mind; the dynamic is its soul; the static is founded on the mutual equilibrium or equipoise of the agents.
  5. The imitative is also divided into three parts: the static, the dynamic and the semeiotic.