seignorial / sinˈyɔr i əl, -ˈyoʊr- /


seignorial 的定义

adj. 形容词 adjective
  1. of or relating to a seignior.


  1. He would not confess that lands, and houses, and seignorial functions were no longer of value in his eyes.
  2. For instance in matters of jurisdiction, there were seignorial, ecclesiastical and military courts.
  3. The sokemen have fallen, and their fall has brought with it the consolidation of manorial husbandry and seignorial power.
  4. This is part of a much wider question that we must face hereafter, for seignorial justice should be treated as a whole.
  5. On the one hand, it seems plain that there is a seignorial justice which is not franchisal.