seaway / ˈsiˌweɪ /


seaway 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a way over the sea.
  2. the open sea.
  3. the progress of a ship through the waves.
  4. a more or less rough sea: a hard vessel to steer in a seaway.
  5. a canal, enlarged river, etc., giving access to a landlocked port by oceangoing vessels.

seaway 近义词


等同于 ocean


  1. If it was thus in smooth water, one dare hardly contemplate the results in a seaway.
  2. That all boats should be fitted with a protective continuous fender, to lessen the risk of damage when being lowered in a seaway.
  3. He asked why the Nequasset was loafing there in the seaway without steering headway on her!
  4. Barring a little tendency to be cranky before the wind in a seaway, nothing better sailed.
  5. And you are in good company, for by this seaway came the Russians in their several attempts on the Eastern capital.